
This is BRIDE SOCIETY!  Come join us for inspiration, help, advice, DIY ideas and just some good all-round tips for planning your big day.  Plus of course a little fun and entertainment on the side.

Who we are…

Rebecca:  Let me reassure all you crafting novices out there who are feeling excited yet daunted about the idea of DIY’ing your wedding. I promise you that before planning my own wedding I had NO craft experience; ZERO. I had never handmade a birthday card, painted art for my walls nor given someone a homemade gift (I’m excluding those items which I presume I must have lovingly made for my parents with my own handprints in my formative years)…in fact I cringed at the idea of entering a craft shop. So let me hold your hand as you go through a similar craft-wedding journey and together we’ll see you safely out the other side, with some other useful tips and advice along the way.

After planning her own wedding, Rebecca had fallen in love with all things wedding.  She completed a Level 3 certification in Wedding Planning and then, together with Laura, set up Bride Society.


When Laura is not here, you’ll find her baking up a storm in the East Midlands as the founder of Green Kitchen Cakes. Learn more at www.greenkitchencakes.co.uk.

